New School Year!

Welcome back to the 2014-2015 school year! I am excited for all of the new changes for the talented and gifted program at Colo-NESCO. These changes having been brewing since I started last school year! I also truly believe they will extend our program into a highly successful program for our gifted learners.


Letters were sent home with the students, please get them back along with the permission slips. This year the students in all grades will be meeting with me in individual 15 minute conferences to set up their personal education plans for the year. The PEPS have personal and academic goals that I want the students to thoroughly think through and establish.


Look for more updates and blog posts throughout the school year on the TAG program!


Invent Iowa Is On Hiatus This Year

Belin-Blank Center

IA 2015_1_print1_Page_1The Belin-Blank Center will not be hosting the State Invent Iowa Competition during the 2014–2015 academic year.  The statewide competition will return for the 2015-2016 academic year and subsequent years.

We are taking this opportunity to conduct a needs assessment of the Invent Iowa Program. Invent Iowa, developed in 1987, is one of the Iowa’s original comprehensive statewide STEM programs. One of our goals in conducting a needs assessment is to build a stronger, more innovative program that will nurture the inventive potential of Iowa’s young makers, design-thinkers, and doers.

We will unveil the updated Invent Iowa Program and State Competition in the Fall of 2015. However, in the meantime you can still conduct your own Invention Conventions in your schools! If you have any questions or need ideas, please do not hesitate to contact the Belin-Blank Center administrator for Invent Iowa, Dr. Lori Ihrig, at

Make sure to check back to see all the…

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